inputFile is transfering over into the array and showing but is dissapearing when the rest of my code is opted inDo you mean that the grades are correctly displayed in [code] cout << "The grades are: "; for(pos = ...
OpenGL - Draw on top of imageIn myInit, you call gluOrtho2D with 0 <= x <= 400 and 1 <= y <= 400. These ranges of coordinates wil...
Hold key problemRight. kbhit() detects key presses. I thought for a moment you'd written kbhit() yourself. But it's ...
Getting random value from functionYeah, it goes like that sometimes... You forgot just one little thing... You ask for user input, so...
Getting random value from functionIt's stored, in "input". But that doesn't automatically give the total and average ;) You have a ca...