User: Drake Aran

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User profile: Drake Aran

User info
User name:Drake Aran
Joined:Aug 8, 2009 at 4:55pm
Number of posts:29
Latest posts:

Strange problem with rand(), srand() and...well, random numbers in general ^^' time I'll pay more attention to formalities and efficiency...I swear! :)

Strange problem with rand(), srand() and...well, random numbers in general ^^'
@ Helios: just read your post. Thank your too!

Strange problem with rand(), srand() and...well, random numbers in general ^^'
Man you're a genius! I wrote the algorithm but didn't think of it's consequences! THANK YOU!! I j...

Strange problem with rand(), srand() and...well, random numbers in general ^^'
as I said, the second for loop and the if inside it are needed to be sure rsq[] doesn't contain doub...

Strange problem with rand(), srand() and...well, random numbers in general ^^'
sorry, I got mistaken. rquiz() is called once and it has a for loop inside that calls randomsequence...

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