User profile: Doctor1988

User info
User name:Doctor1988
Location:Nations Capitol
Bio:I just started C++ six months ago, I am really beginning to understand the concepts, and just looking to get better with time and skills.

Warm Regards,
Number of posts:20
Latest posts:

Add and Subtract the perform operation
Thank you minomic (151) you rock!!

Select and Perform Math Option
I need help with declaring a new function and calling them in main() Main should only have 4-5 lines...

Select and Perform Math Option
#include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int a , b ; int operation ; cout<<" e...

Select and Perform Math Option
Can you help me with a example, or tell me what i did wrong in the code below

Select and Perform Math Option
I really appreciate you helping me, this is for a class, so I try the code and here is what I should...