User: Dennis M

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User profile: Dennis M

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User name:Dennis M
Number of posts:8
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Reading Anonymous Pipes in Real-Time WinAPI
I have read that from MSDN before. The problem with that is I cannot edit the child process so it ca...

Reading Anonymous Pipes in Real-Time WinAPI
I am not entirely understanding what you are saying, I am sorry. Do you mean when I do this? [cod...

Reading Anonymous Pipes in Real-Time WinAPI
Yes. outStd[0] is an array of variables. outStd[0].hReadOut is defined as HANDLE

Reading Anonymous Pipes in Real-Time WinAPI
The OP has the struct which it is declared as. It is initialized using ZeroMemory();

Reading Anonymous Pipes in Real-Time WinAPI
Which app? The child does properly write to stdout. Since it's a GUI program I haven't looked at a c...

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