User: DaveGold

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User profile: DaveGold

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User name:DaveGold
Number of posts:7
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Buffer Overrun while writing.... Please help!
By the way... If anyone ever reads this thread to do with the original title. The 'overrun' problem ...

Buffer Overrun while writing.... Please help!
[quote]What is amazing (and weird) about std::vector? What other languages do you know well?[/quote]...

Buffer Overrun while writing.... Please help!
Thanks, I'm taking a look now. I seem to have it working now with Random (done it before seeing your...

Buffer Overrun while writing.... Please help!
thank you everyone. And also I have corrected my IsLetterFound array back to being bool. And used a ...

Buffer Overrun while writing.... Please help!
as a side-question. From failing to delete my pointer(s) , will the memory leak continue after closi...

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