User: DBarzo

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User profile: DBarzo

User info
User name:DBarzo
Location:Riccione, ITALY
Joined:Sep 4, 2009 at 2:10pm
Number of posts:47
Latest posts:

Object not destroyed
Found.... I forgot to derive InterfaceA from DLLInterface: [code] struct InterfaceA : public DLLInt...

Object not destroyed
Hi, I have the following scenario: The Interface header file: [code] #ifdef WIN32 #define DL...

Construct an object from its base
Hi guys, thanks for your replies! Yes, at the end, I need to write a copy constructor but, writing...

Construct an object from its base
Hi, I have this situation: [code] class Base { private: map<UINT, string> m_MyMap; str...

About abstract classes inheritance
Ok, I answer to myself! :-) I simply forgot a "virtual" keyword: [code] struct IAudioDecoder : pub...

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