User profile: CrypticA1

User info
User name:CrypticA1
Number of posts:50
Latest posts:

find_first_not_of problem
what's a string stream? Also for this parser I want it to be able to read everything the user enters...

find_first_not_of problem
I'm sorry I'm not great with programming terminology. I entered 5+500 for the input. I found that I ...

find_first_not_of problem
I've been working on a parser for a while and i seem to be having an error with a certain bit of cod...

Replace a character in a function
Ok so here's a question I got. I want to replace a single character in a string lets say it's '+'. T...

OCD with coding
Ya know what I hate when people put their main function at the bottom...bothers me so much. Is that ...