User: Croolsby

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User profile: Croolsby

User info
User name:Croolsby
Bio:A student that likes programming.
Number of posts:13
Latest posts:

newing up the return of a function.
Oh ok, I'll have to remember that, thanks.

newing up the return of a function.
In SFML [tt]sf::Shape::Circle[/tt] returns a [tt]sf::Shape[/tt]. Here's the line of code giving me ...

Custom Destructor
I have a container that holds pointers to other objects. These other objects are created dynamically...

Undefined reference but it is defined.
Yes they are, but just to make sure, I'm going to delete this project and make a new one. EDIT: St...

Undefined reference but it is defined.
I'm new to this. I don't know what you mean by your question. I'm using code::blocks with the GNU GC...

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