User: CrazyCollegeGuy

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User profile: CrazyCollegeGuy

User info
User name:CrazyCollegeGuy
Number of posts:7
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Please help
1. No need to pass ARRAY_SIZE to isMember: it's a global constant. [code] if (numbers[ARRAY_SIZE]...

Homework Assignment Error
First off, you can't use variables to declare a C-style array: [code] int numberA; int value[nu...

Vector subscript out of range when looping backwards
These do indeed work. Thank you.

How to parse a string into a vector<int>
You could easily iterate through the string and 'convert' the single characters to integers. [code]...

Vector subscript out of range when looping backwards
Hello there! To be honest, I'm in a bit of a pickle. Have you ever looped through a vector, only to ...

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