User profile: CppSpartan

User info
User name:CppSpartan
Name:Christian Magnerfelt
Location:Stockholm Sweden
Bio:My philosophy:
Competitive would be a word that describe me the best. May it be sports, games, studies, work or programming all of them has always been treated as a game about who is the best. I'm not a person that goes into the finest detail or the one who rushes for the goal. My way goes with effectiveness. My main strategy in all sports have been the uses of effectiveness. How can I reach a goal in a solid but simple way.

So how does this relate to programming? I like doing stuff the solid way, no shortcuts, everything should be rigid, solid and clean. Writing test code is the core. I general, why not spend extra time writing some test code to avoid unnecessary debugging later.

My biggest enemy is laziness which comes from lack of motivation. If task is difficult then the motivation is high because i hate losing. If a task is easy then it's just satisfying and thus bring motivation. If task is considered completely useless then the motivation is low or external factors prevent me from completing my tasks, people not doing their job as one of them.

This means I both hate and love teamwork.
I love working with people who are better than myself, as I mentioned earlier it gives a feeling of competitiveness. They should also give their best and not being lazy.
I hate teamwork when people are not doing what they should or do not have a heart for what they do. If this occurs I will get rid of the obstacle and only focus on who works well.

I consider myself a leader and I have no problem to take such roll. I've done it many times. However I have problem as being a part of a team and I will do my best to be an essential organ of the team and also support those around me.

My Goal:
To be a better programmer and work with the best

Work Background:
Being a programmer in general, I've done a lot of stuff in different fields. I've worked in field such as marketing, webdesign, education, personal trainer, administration manager and more. I have also had my own company with a training facility, where I used to be facility supervisor.

Games would be a main part of my hobbies. And I play alot of games, some for fun and some for the competitiveness. I like games which are competitive, games like starcraft or halo.
I do sports alot but not the sports that a normal person would do. For many it's called dance dance revolution. We call it machinedance, whiches uses system that are way more refined that the orginal DDR systems. I have gone to many tournaments and won the worldcup series a several times.

The idea:
As i mentioned earlier the company that I started was gears towards such games. The concept of moving while gaming. Some may call it Cybersports or Esports. However the top management of this company was not good. Maybe I did not have enough experience at that time. However the idea is still valid and gained a lot of interest.

Just facts:
I'm currently living in Stockholm Sweden. I study a international course at KTH my university. In the future I may want to go for one year to Japan
to finish my master. I want to do this to finish what I started which was taking a year to study in japan which I did back in 2007.

To you:
If you read this I hope you enjoyed it despite my broken and English and come close to understand who I am.

Best of luck and always continue to improve your C++ skills.

How to contact:
Just pm or search my name on Skype =)
Statistical data
Birthdate:Mar 21, 1987
Number of posts:31
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