User: Computer Hermit

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User profile: Computer Hermit

User info
User name:Computer Hermit
Number of posts:27
Latest posts:

Trying to call method/array on different .cpp problem
I ended up just using the line [code]theTour.getVisited().push_back(Square(xValue,yValue));[/code] :...

Trying to call method/array on different .cpp problem
ok, this looks like what i was thinking. I just wasn't sure how exactly you would go about this. T...

Trying to call method/array on different .cpp problem
ok, sorry for the late reply, Ill have a look at your example now

Trying to call method/array on different .cpp problem
is it even possible to alter an array from a different class, this is what i want to know most?

Trying to call method/array on different .cpp problem
but the board is randomly generated, the walls are never in the same place. I cant alter the AI con...

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