User: Cninja

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User profile: Cninja

User info
User name:Cninja
Number of posts:5
Latest posts:

Wow, 2 weeks seems a little short?
javascript,PHP,networking..etc. if you can learn all of this in two weeks with work,school and st...

Program taking far too long
@Athar Yup you are correct athar. Thank you .

Program taking far too long
I don't get this code forgive me if i am wrong , i am a newbie . [code] while(1) //infinite loop?...

Can you review my code for a simple linked list?
Oh yes line 44...i forgot to remove that before submitting it looked kind of silly when i typed it...

Can you review my code for a simple linked list?
I been practicing programming with c++ as my first language and the topic i am on is on : data struc...

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