User: Chunder

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User profile: Chunder

User info
User name:Chunder
Number of posts:5
Latest posts:

Outputting to file rounding problems
I am currently trying to output an array of integers to a file, I have got it working however I am d...

Opening file in a for loop with a changing integer in title
Thanks for the help, if anyone is interested the code I used was: [code] for(y=0; y<188; y++){ sp...

Opening file in a for loop with a changing integer in title
I am trying to convert a series of files into arrays. Each file is named molx.m where x is a number ...

Reading from a file to an array
Managed to get it working but I'm unsure if this is the best method, any feedback would be appreciat...

Reading from a file to an array
I have a file with ~180 lines, on each line is just a 0 or a 1. I would like to create a routine tha...

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