User: CheeseyDragon

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User profile: CheeseyDragon

User info
User name:CheeseyDragon
Number of posts:4
Latest posts:

Creating series of outputs using a array created by a variable?
O.K., I figured my dilemma out by myself; I feel bad for my really amateur questions. I have just on...

Creating series of outputs using a array created by a variable?
I'm sorry, i probably wasn't descriptive enough. How do I use each integer in a specific output (exa...

Creating series of outputs using a array created by a variable?
Thanks a ton! but how do you use the defined series? i.e. How do you use the 'i' variable to create ...

Creating series of outputs using a array created by a variable?
Hey guys/gals, I'm somewhat new to C++, and I've got an assignment for school that i'm having so...

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