User: Catfish

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User profile: Catfish

User info
User name:Catfish
Joined:Jul 11, 2011 at 9:44am
Number of posts:666
Latest posts:

Tutorial more visible
[quote]The current C++11 standard is very well designed, and many compilers are quickly moving towar...

Tutorial more visible
[quote]If you want to help, please take the time to review the work already done and to keep tabs on...

Girl Problems
I wonder how many thought Modshop was a girl having girly "problems", from this thread's title.

Favourite class in the standard?
If you're like I am, you abuse [tt]std::vector[/tt] to read binary files. Whereas we should have bee...

Suggestion: Forum Moderators
Do you listen to your own thoughts? And do they listen to you?

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