User profile: Calsong

User info
User name:Calsong
Bio:Yeah, I'm 16 years old. Just starting to try and learn programming and just starting to learn about computers.
I think I'm making progress and soon it may be ME who is answering YOUR questions(!). ;)

C++ is the first language that I've tried to learn.
I'm learning SFML at the moment.
Statistical data
Number of posts:31
Latest posts:

Math in programming
Again, thanks for all of the replies. I suppose that I'll know how hard it is when i try it ;). A...

Math in programming
Thumper: OpenGL is more "from scratch" from what I've heard, but sure it is "cheating", too. I just ...

Math in programming
And another question. I've seen some "behind the scenes" of game developement, from when I've bought...

Math in programming
Oh, ok, I think i get it. Thanks.

Math in programming
Ok, isn't Irrlicht already an engine? Isn't that kind of cheating? Ok, so it's that kind of math ...