User: CPPRaven

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User profile: CPPRaven

User info
User name:CPPRaven
Number of posts:29
Latest posts:

Help finishing code
Can anybody please help with this ? I can honestly say that i am stumped, , please help out if you c...

Help finishing code
I mean I can't complete what I am trying to do lol which is have the answer come out in a mixed frac...

Help finishing code
Is anybody capable of finishing up my code. If anybody is able to complete this part for me, you ...

How to EOF
ended up doing this and it seems to work [code] while(cin.eof()) { cout<<"Good Bye"<<endl; cin...

How to EOF
so then how would I add the cin.eof to this? I want to make it so that the ctrl-z and the ctrl-d w...

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