User: BudSkigee

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User profile: BudSkigee

User info
User name:BudSkigee
Name:Joshua Clark
Location:South Mills, NC
Bio:Trying to become fluent in C++ so that I can write programs and make games for fun.
Number of posts:8
Latest posts:

Create a delay between each output?
oh okay i see, I have been using the solo learn website. so that makes since. Thanks yall!

Create a delay between each output?
now do i have to put that in between each input to make it delay between each output? or can i just ...

Create a delay between each output?
Hey Everyone, I have been working on a simple 'fight' program where 2 players fight each other and ...

Adjust an objects value within a class?
Thank you guys for the replies, It helps for me to compare what i came up with to someone who is exp...

Adjust an objects value within a class?
Bear with me here, i have been struggling to grasp the concept of classes and pointers, I understand...

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