User: Brewsdog

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User profile: Brewsdog

User info
User name:Brewsdog
Number of posts:7
Latest posts:

Filtering Words using ifstream/ofstream
This is all really helpful and is much appreciated! Next I want to filter the text1.txt by comparin...

Filtering Words using ifstream/ofstream
Thank you! You are a life saver, thank you to all of you guys for helping me.

Filtering Words using ifstream/ofstream
[code] for (string word; infile >> word; ) if (const auto itr{ words.find(word) }; itr != wo...

Filtering Words using ifstream/ofstream
I am wanting to use that map, but I can't seem to get it to work? Any help? I have redone my code al...

Count how many times a banned word has occured from a text file
I have been having issues trying to get a map, vector etc to work in order to print out how many tim...

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