User: Bob M

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User profile: Bob M

User info
User name:Bob M
Location:North central Connecticut, USA
Bio:Retired Programmer
Number of posts:12
Latest posts:

Borland C++ Builder 3 & Windows 7
OK. I put in the CD, thinking I would install it to see if it would work, but Windows told me it was...

How to get filesize in 2012?
I thought I should include a screenshot of the program I recently revived from years of dormancy. I ...

Finding the matching curley bracket { }
I found the answer I was looking for. While the cursor in positioned on the opening brace { Use <C...

How to get filesize in 2012?
The error in the snippet I put in the 4th message in this thread is that I should have used \\ inste...

Finding the matching curley bracket { }
Thanks to all for your replies. I tried the 2 ctrl-shift methods mentioned by athar. Neither works....

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