User profile: BluesMatt

User info
User name:BluesMatt
Location:Connecticut, USA
Bio:Casual long time programmer that started with interpreted BASIC and getting as far as VB6. Currently flirting with Java and C++.
Number of posts:15
Latest posts:

beginning Windows Programming
Thanks. I'm writing in C so API it is.

beginning Windows Programming

beginning Windows Programming
Hey everyone, I am a beginer programmer in C (I have written in VB6 in the past). Evenually, I woul...

Codeblocks, Dev C++, or Visual C++ 2010 Express
The wiki Code Assassin mentioned has a lot of info on Codeblocks including a basic tutorial for us n...

Codeblocks, Dev C++, or Visual C++ 2010 Express
Catfish4 : Do you know how to work the Pelles debugger?