User: Bill Moo

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User profile: Bill Moo

User info
User name:Bill Moo
Number of posts:5
Latest posts:

Map to store templated base class.
gunnerfunner, in your reply you say "//to be implemented after Data" can you or indeed anyone else e...

Map to store templated base class.
Thank you again for your replies and to answer your question gunnerfunner as to why I need this I w...

Map to store templated base class.
OK, I may be barking up the wrong tree, and quite possibly the wrong woodland, but assuming the fol...

Map to store templated base class.
Hey thanks for the reply, but this is where my inexperience shows. From my understanding I assume yo...

Map to store templated base class.
For my project I have created a templated base class that allows me to store char, int or doubles an...

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