User: Bikeinator

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User profile: Bikeinator

User info
User name:Bikeinator
Number of posts:9
Latest posts:

Array size without specifying?
I am doing a program that requires me to process employees pay. Once the process is ended, the array...

Cannot key in more than 10 chars.
That will do exactly what i need. Wasn't aware of the .length function. Thanks a lot.

Cannot key in more than 10 chars.
I am looking for a method to ensure that a user doesn't go over the limit of 10 characters entered i...

Decimal Place Formatting
Using this code within a loop: [code] cout << "$" << setprecision(2) << fixed << total; [/cod...

Using gotoxy in a loop.
Yes that's exactly it, i have tried playing with the coordinates in different ways but i can't seem ...

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