User: Berzeger

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User profile: Berzeger

User info
User name:Berzeger
Number of posts:16
Latest posts:

HELP::What is this error?
If this is your header file, are you sure it is included somewhere? In Visual Studio, if you create ...

The Game of Life Help
nCount should probably be an array, so you can store neighbours count for every cell.

Getting wrong answer !
First, C++'s array index goes from 0, as ne555 pointed out. So you should have for [code](i = 0; i <...

how to cout symbols in specific shapes
It is not nice to mix "\n" and endl. Also you shouldn't have just [code]main () { ... }[/code] but f...

how to cout symbols in specific shapes
That's because you [code]cout[/code] [code]endl[/code] after each number. You will need to [code]cou...

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