User profile: BLooDiEMuRDA

User info
User name:BLooDiEMuRDA
Bio:#include <YourMom>

int main(){
return pregnant;
Number of posts:28
Latest posts:

Array box not moving to coordination?
Ooh, wow, now I see what I was doing wrong. Thank you Softrix.

Array box not moving to coordination?
Created an array box of characters and added coordination from Windows.h. However only the top side ...

I need a better explanation about 'bool'.
I fixed a few part of your code [code] #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main(){ int...

Any better draw square algorithms?
Thanks everyone for all the different techniques. Very useful. [code]return EXIT_SUCCESS;[/code]

Any better draw square algorithms?
@[code]fg109[/code] Real simple and straight forward, I was trying to aim for something like how you...