User: AshuSyntel

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User profile: AshuSyntel

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User name:AshuSyntel
Number of posts:10
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windows.h references
go to the #include "window.h" and right click on the file name and click "open documets" .

VS2008 Problem in pise of code
This Small pice of code this is rum in VS2003 but not in VS2008 result on VS 2003 :- call the cons...

VS 2008 c++ code problem in friend funcation between diff classes
ok you are right ,i think same but this code is run in VS2003 so i put this Senario on forms ok ...

VS 2008 c++ code problem in friend funcation between diff classes
becoze this is alrady open source code which run on vS2003 but not in VS2008 , we are migrate this t...

oledb seeting VS2008
Problem in VS2008 for SDK is not responce c:\program files\microsoft sdks\windows\v6.0a\include\ol...

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