User: Arthur Lucas

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User profile: Arthur Lucas

User info
User name:Arthur Lucas
Name:Arthur Lucas Bernardo Melo
Location:MaceiĆ³, Alagoas
Number of posts:22
Latest posts:

Why it prints 2 times?
Ok thank you so much. Really was it.

Why it prints 2 times?
[code] #include<stdio.h> #include<string.h> #include <ctype.h> void esvaziar(char *frase) { ...

How to read this line blank? in C
This entry is my code imput: 1 10 6 But I do not know how to read this line blank? Th...

Decimal Places in C
I know that to print the number 2.0000 to 2 decimal places I print% .2 f. But my question is: inp...

about \n, and compilation
[code]#include<stdio.h> main() { float x, y, r = 0; char sinal; scanf(...

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