User profile: Arres

User info
User name:Arres
Name:Arslan Afzal
Location:Lahore, Pakistan
Bio:Master of computer science
University of management and technology
Number of posts:7
Latest posts:

Class composition help getting error.
iHutch105 thank you very much, I appreciate it that you looked my code to find the problem, Otherwis...

Class composition help getting error.
Date.h actually validate and display the date. [code]//Date.h #ifndef DATE_H #define DATE_H cl...

string concatenation coding problem.
[quote] What do you mean? Whitespaces are characters... [/quote] White spaces are character, but cin...

string concatenation coding problem.
Something more, your concept about char, if you use cin >> with char, then i tell you that cin jus...

string concatenation coding problem.
Here is the solution. 1) You have to use string instead of char. 2) Then you have to use getline (ci...