User profile: Apoapsis

User info
User name:Apoapsis
Location:North Dakota
Bio:Aeronautics, aviation, astrodynamics, and a little code...;
Statistical data
Birthdate:Aug 16, 1996
Number of posts:15
Latest posts:

Understanding Pointer sizes
32 bits offers 2^32, or 4,294,967,296 different possibilities. If you have more than 4 gigs of RAM, ...

Need Help with If Statement
Every if looks for an else. If an if doesn't have an else, weird things can happen. Also, inside ...

Are pointers just silly?
I understand that pointers store a 0x number that is the location to another point in memory. You ca...

Constructed class in constructed class
Quick question. Suppose I have a class: [code]class data { public: double x, y, z, blah; data ...

use variable in variable name
Is it possible to have a variable n, and spawn a new object as onbjectn? For example: [code]struct ...