User: Anders4000

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User profile: Anders4000

User info
User name:Anders4000
Number of posts:11
Latest posts:

Allegro Console Program Error
It's fine (: if i want to make some games text based 1 day, i can make it in 2D instead, if i learn ...

Allegro Console Program Error
Thank you so much (: I will never be making games in the console again. Since i now know that i can...

Allegro Console Program Error
I need the Sleep() func. Else i can't make a game.. I want to make a simple snake game. But Allegro ...

Allegro Console Program Error
After installing the keyboard and Allegro init, what should i do with the 2 Bitmap errors? I'm goin...

Allegro Console Program Error
I've got a problem here... I get these errors when i want to make a console programs, using Allegro...

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