User: Anaximander Thales

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  • Anaximander Thales

User profile: Anaximander Thales

User info
User name:Anaximander Thales
Number of posts:4
Latest posts:

Homework Assistance: Working with pointers to read/edit/write an .ini file
A SEMICOLON -- A FRIGGIN' SEMICOLON. I had been missing that - I was sure I had tried the cianmjc's...

Homework Assistance: Working with pointers to read/edit/write an .ini file
Thank you, I'll try that out ... The function ConfigINI::Set( ... ) itself was what I was given. ...

Homework Assistance: Working with pointers to read/edit/write an .ini file

Homework Assistance: Working with pointers to read/edit/write an .ini file
Below are the files that I have. Most of everything below ConfigINI.cpp was given and have minimal ...

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