User profile: Amirreza10

User info
User name:Amirreza10
Number of posts:4
Latest posts:

How to read from a text file and split it into values in C++
Yes, thanks alot. Now it's working :)

How to read from a text file and split it into values in C++
Thank you so much. Sorry that I Ask so many questions, just to be sure, It should be as below? but I...

How to read from a text file and split it into values in C++
Thanks alot for your nice explanation, but I think still your program does not store value in the Pa...

How to read from a text file and split it into values in C++
this is my text file (mytext.txt): rho_0,10 kp_0,8 Beta_kp,6 x_min,5 x_max,8 y_min,9 y_max,...