User: AlexanderThomas1983

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  • AlexanderThomas1983

User profile: AlexanderThomas1983

User info
User name:AlexanderThomas1983
Name:Alexander Thomas
Bio:I bet you'd like to know a few facts about my career. Firstly I really love my job. At present I work at Echo Valley Farm, Inc , a Domestic Profit corporation. It was registered on 10/01/1994, by Christine Kluver. We work at 14035 Hickory Ave, IA. From time to time I work also from my home office at 14035 Hickory Ave
Lemars, Ia 51031. I have great plans to progress in the field of distribution. I am an enthusiast of golf.
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Linked list while loop not terminating at NULL
I will try to solve it today. If it won't work I will give it to my friend :)

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