User: AldenB

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User profile: AldenB

User info
User name:AldenB
Joined:Aug 9, 2015 at 3:11pm
Number of posts:32
Latest posts:

Member intializer list error...
Awesome! Tyvm! I just discovered VS 2015 existed, I'm updating now. Thanks for your help!

Functions with "reference" return types?
I see, thank you very much!

Member intializer list error...
Too old to compile [code]Something(string n) :a{ n } {};[/code] but not too old to compile [cod...

Functions with "reference" return types?
What about cases where we are not dealing with streams? e.g) [code]const [b]Date&[/b] default_date(...

Member intializer list error...
[code]class Something { public: Something(string n) :a{ n }, b{ 10 }, c{ 10 } {}; private: stri...

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