User profile: Agonche

User info
User name:Agonche
Number of posts:8
Latest posts:

A Hello World Problem
You should type the letter L (l) instead of the number 1. so [code]endl[/code] instead of [code]end...

Initializing non-aggregate
I have a class with an array(public) and a private member. When I initialize the array of the objec...

Decimal to Binary
Hello there. I'm trying to write a converter (DECimal to BINary). The problem is that the BINary num...

Find the lowest positive value from an array
read my post again. Here you go bro. this is when the array does ...

Find the lowest positive value from an array
@codingshark thank you but, for example when Array[5]={-10,-20,-61,-8,-3) your code says [output]"S...