User: AfineyoungSc0ut

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User profile: AfineyoungSc0ut

User info
User name:AfineyoungSc0ut
Bio:Hi, I'm pretty new at this. Started off learning from intro online classes on Udacity and from Stanford and Harvard. I later started learning some Python, Obj-C, and Swift with some Big Nerd Ranch books. Bought some new computers. Stayed hooked. Then I read Swift's online reference manual. Decided it was time to get a job, Googled fastest way to get a job programming, and started learning HTML, CSS, and Javascript. I bought Duckett's books on those subjects, and built a few websites (at the time I thought they were incredibly interesting). Now I find it pretty boring. I never did apply for the front-end web dev job I thought I was going to. Started learning C++ with Stroustrup's book (actually the first programming book I ever bought. I am interested in starting a company, working for Microsoft, and joining a game dev studio.
Joined:Oct 20, 2016 at 7:11am
Number of posts:8
Latest posts:

Stroustrup PPP: 5.5.1 The caller deals with errors
Well, the try-catch part worked. I am still confused about the error() function not working, but may...

Stroustrup PPP: 5.5.1 The caller deals with errors
Xismn, In my book, the try-catch block has not been introduced yet. I explained and apologized for...

Stroustrup PPP: 5.5.1 The caller deals with errors
Excuse my bad terminology. I know you guys are just trying to help. "Here we have called a function...

Stroustrup PPP: 5.5.1 The caller deals with errors
Thank you Furryguy and Yawzheek, I successfully started a project without the "stdafx.h" header fil...

Stroustrup PPP: 5.5.1 The caller deals with errors
Thank you all! I proceeded to start a new empty project. I #include[d] the "std_lib_facilities.h" h...

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