User: Aeon221

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User profile: Aeon221

User info
User name:Aeon221
Number of posts:28
Latest posts:

if / while / loops (beginning beginner)
You shouldn't use goto until you absolutely must, and if you're not even sure how to implement it in...

Returning a value in a void function
You've got a value and some associated functions. Use a class. Here's an example of what a class wou...

if / while / loops (beginning beginner)
The short answer is you need to loop your input with a do...while loop that has an end condition tha...

Need assistance finishing homework, almost done!
[code] 1234567 20 abcdefabcdefabcdefab 9876543 15 1234567 abcdefab...

Be nice
I don't see why I should repeat myself, and therefore I shan't. If you don't understand why this sor...

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