User profile: AdventWolf

User info
User name:AdventWolf
Number of posts:102
Latest posts:

How do I start to create graphical programs (OpenGL?)
I can second SFML, it is extremely simple and easy to use to create 2D applications. It can manage w...

Program using class, Errors!
Private is good, so if you can get away with it then by all means. Edit: But you could instead make...

I can't make this search for and count for palindrome works. :(
This code separates a string of words: [code] #include <iostream> #include <list> #include <string>...

Program using class, Errors!
I deleted the functions you weren't using - void input(void), Grade(void), output(void) since they a...

I can't make this search for and count for palindrome works. :(
Does it compile? If not then what is the error. If it does then what is the program doing wrong?