User: AbdelrahmanSaid

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User profile: AbdelrahmanSaid

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User name:AbdelrahmanSaid
Number of posts:6
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Passing function pointers to a class without knowing the function signature
[quote]a little over my head... haven't ever tried to do this, but .. you could (??) return some kin...

Passing function pointers to a class without knowing the function signature
Yeah.. That is what I thought would be the case, but I just wanted to make sure I am not missing any...

Passing function pointers to a class without knowing the function signature
Here you go. NOTE: I am using [b]new[/b] and [b]delete[/b] just for testing purposes at the moment....

Passing function pointers to a class without knowing the function signature
I tried the two solutions you provided, but whenever I try to use a non-void function, I get the fol...

Passing function pointers to a class without knowing the function signature
Thank you very much, helios. I think this might work. I will test once I am back home and let you kn...

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