User: AJM

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User profile: AJM

User info
User name:AJM
Number of posts:12
Latest posts:

Can't reference control variable
Hi, if the dialog is called DLGEncryptG then it's in the DLGEncryptG.h file. There are several other...

Can't reference control variable
Hi, I've added a control variable, as defined below: Dialog's header file... [code] priva...

Using GetFileSizeEX() and progress bars
Hi, I'm using the following code to get the file size in bytes of my 'in file'. I'm using GetFile...

Can't see why fopen() isn't working
@kbw magic, problem solved. Thank you. She's all good now and what's even better, the GUI port of...

Can't see why fopen() isn't working
I've made some progress after following the advise on this page:

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