User: AILD312

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User profile: AILD312

User info
User name:AILD312
Number of posts:7
Latest posts:

Going up a line
Well, then i would try and use ncurses but i'm not yet sure about how it works so... i will take my ...

Going up a line
So, you're saying there is no way to reverse the \n with some stuff that will go to a previous line ...

Going up a line
You're absolutely right. Sorry for the confusion. Yes, i want the program to run >> print "Player 1...

Going up a line
So - First of all: Hi, dear C++ community. The question i have is - how do i go to a specific (tex...

Solving the "Pancake Glutton" problem.
[quote]will never become true, because MaxEaten has a garbage value that is higher than what you ent...

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