User: NorbertMueller

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User profile: NorbertMueller

User info
User name:NorbertMueller
Number of posts:5
Latest posts:

Copying closure of lamda expression
OK. Thank you who responded. I was thinking, a lambda [b]is[/b] a function object, but it only can b...

Copying closure of lamda expression
I am aware that no copies are made if I pass the closure by reference (&) but I cannot understand wh...

Copying closure of lamda expression
againtry wrote [quote] At the right hand top corner of the text box you place your question, code an...

Copying closure of lamda expression
Sorry for not using code tags. I tried to insert them using the buttons in the web interface but the...

Copying closure of lamda expression
Hello, If you think this is a beginners question feel free to beat me for not using the correct for...

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