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    by Ch1156
    Using std::variant to reduce getter and setter clutter   [Beginners]
    I'm experimenting with new ways to reduce code bloat, and one of my biggest gripes is always having to create two different functions for one variable, so my so...
    [9 replies] Last: Yes, basically the same story for me. Currently the C++ committee do... (by mbozzi)
    by Ch1156
    Is this how you do object chaining?   [Beginners]
    Im learning about object chaining and im wondering if im doing it correctly. #include <iostream> #include <print> #include <string> #include <vector> ...
    [9 replies] Last: Thank you for all the replies! That seems like a straight forward conc... (by Ch1156)
    Programming math - polynomial class   [Beginners]
    How to write templated polynomial class I would like to have overloaded operators like + -(unary,binary) * Here we can have school multiplication or...
    [8 replies] Last: A wouldn't make this a template, unless you need it to work with float... (by dhayden)
    Opening Multiple Console Windows One For Each Thread   [Windows Programming]
    I'm playing around with threads and rather than designing a class to manage output to a single console i.e., a single stdout, I figured to use this approach t...
    [7 replies] Last: Not sure if it was only my system but MSVC compiler emitted compiler ... (by kigar64551)
    Pybind11 slows my C++ code substantially   [General C++ Programming]
    Greetings everyone, continuing with my particle simulation, I am trying to turn it into a python package (I work in maths, and most people would never be able ...
    [4 replies] Last: of course it can. you may need to hand wave at byte ordering if you g... (by jonnin)
    scientific computing - optimize speed   [General C++ Programming]
    Greetings, this is a longer thread, so thank you in advance for anyone who takes the time. It might be that no one can help me without sharing the whole github...
    [15 replies] Last: Hi guys, thanks for your interest and hints that focusing on the algo... (by PhysicsIsFun)
    stack and heap   [Beginners]
    Hi, I have some programming concepts question: Why is stack (in context of stack and heap) considered LIFO (last in first out)? The last time i checke...
    [9 replies] Last: What question, exactly? Weren't here plenty of explanations ("solution... (by keskiverto)
    by zapshe
    AI is something special (1,2,3,4)   [Lounge]
    I feel like AI is getting overlooked by many. I feel like I have a real professional in any field I want to learn about just waiting for me to ask things. Yes,...
    [71 replies] Last: HUH? You're not forced to reply either. I just wanted to reach some co... (by zapshe)
    Website does not work properly with Linux   [Lounge]
    Hi guys, on my Linux machine (Ubuntu 22.04.05) the website does not work properly. I need to use the legacy version by clicking on the button at the top right ...
    [6 replies] Last: Ah, it seems my understanding of the problem is in error. Sorry. (by Duthomhas)
    by zzzhhh
    Should the subscript "opt" be dropped in the definition of "array of N T" in the standard?   [Beginners]
    This is the definitive syntax of "array of N T" in C++ Standard https://eel.is/c++draft/dcl.array#1 : D1 [ constant-expression_opt ] ... [/quote] I think t...
    [3 replies] Last: Hi Is it because the array bound may be omitted when there are initia... (by TheIdeasMan)