User: pregnancyporto

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User name:pregnancyporto
Name:signs of pregnancy
Bio:Pregnancy Symptoms
One of the most important symptoms of pregnancy is the delay in menstruation. If the period of a woman with regular menstruation is delayed, pregnancy should come to mind first and should confirm this with a pregnancy test.

In a woman who does not have regular periods, a delayed period may not be a harbinger of pregnancy. Because normally, their periods are often delayed. This condition is most common in women with polycystic ovary syndrome who think they have entered menopause. You can click here for more detailed information about the causes of delayed period.
The discharge increases during pregnancy. Therefore, if you feel a change in the amount and consistency of your vaginal discharge, you may be pregnant.

Decrease in sleep quality begins to occur especially at the beginning of pregnancy and is one of the pregnancy symptoms. If you wake up frequently at night or have trouble getting into deep sleep, you may be pregnant.

Increased sensitivity to smell is also one of the symptoms of pregnancy. However, this symptom may not be in every woman. Nausea and vomiting can also be added to the sensitivity to smell. Excessive nausea and vomiting do not usually occur in the early gestational week. More in the later weeks of pregnancy, excessive nausea and vomiting occurs.

One of the most common symptoms of pregnancy is the complaint of tenderness and fullness in the breasts . During pregnancy, breast growth, fullness and tenderness occur with the effect of hormones. Although this symptom is also seen in the premenstrual period, this complaint is more common during pregnancy.

Frequent urination can be seen in the early stages of pregnancy due to the effect of hormones in pregnancy. Frequent urination symptoms are caused by hormonal changes in pregnancy. In the following weeks of pregnancy, the reason for frequent urination will be the compression of the growing uterus on the bladder.

Fatigue is one of the most common pregnancy symptoms. Almost 90% of women experience the symptoms of fatigue. Fatigue usually continues until the 12th week of pregnancy and then decreases.

Bleeding in the form of spotting is a symptom experienced by 25% of pregnant women. There is less spotting than menstruation on the expected menstrual date This bleeding is the implantation bleeding of the embryo to the uterus. It is mistakenly confused with menstrual bleeding. This situation is also known as overlooking. For this reason, if you have a different bleeding than your period on the expected date of menstruation and if you have a suspicion of pregnancy, make sure to have a pregnancy test in blood.

Pregnancy symptoms listed so far are the most common symptoms. Apart from these symptoms, nose bleeding, abdominal bloating, edema, constipation, acne, increase in body temperature, heartburn are among the symptoms of pregnancy.

Early Pregnancy Symptoms
When it comes to early pregnancy symptoms, the first thing that comes to mind is the delay in menstruation. Apart from the delay in menstruation, pain in the groin, fatigue, excessive sensitivity to smells, fullness and pain in the breasts are also among the early pregnancy symptoms.

However, it should not be forgotten that none of these signs indicate a certain pregnancy. Or, the absence of these pregnancy signs does not indicate that you are not pregnant, it is normal.

For this reason, if you have had an unprotected intercourse and you have a suspicion of pregnancy, you can only understand whether you are pregnant by having a pregnancy test in blood. The presence of pregnancy symptoms only suspects pregnancy.

When Do Pregnancy Symptoms Begin?
The time of onset of pregnancy symptoms varies from person to person. Some women experience pregnancy symptoms during the very early week of pregnancy, while others experience these symptoms later in the week of pregnancy or not at all.

The time of onset of pregnancy symptoms is shown in the table below. The week specified here is the gestational week calculated according to the last menstrual period.


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