User profile: lumbeezl

User info
User name:lumbeezl
Location:Draper, UT
Bio:Owner of Gnolaum (small business).

Married to an amazing woman.

I just started learning C++, but I'd like to master it one day. Never thought I'd be able to program but I am getting it a little at a time.

Member of the Lumbee Tribe of North Carolina and I'm LDS (Mormon).
Number of posts:45
Latest posts:

Makefile assistance
Would you mind providing an example? Edit: Just did a test run, with your advice and works perfectl...

Makefile assistance
I'm having issue compile with make using a Makefile and g++. I have a simple header and source file ...

How to use Boost in Visual Studio/Qt
@malibor Thank you my good friend. It is highly appreciated and you made that extremely simple and ...

How to use Boost in Visual Studio/Qt
To make a long story short, I need to use boost for various reasons. Anyways, I've searched and s...

Using multiple cores
Thanks for the information. I wasn't sure if multiple cores would help with the parsing since it was...