User profile: StrangerThings

User info
User name:StrangerThings
Location:Cape Town
Bio:First-year student in Computer Science
Number of posts:8
Latest posts:

QDoubleSpinBox not giving correct result
so what should i replace "text()" with?

QDoubleSpinBox not giving correct result
@keskiverto i don't use text, the program accepts double values (temperature) in celsius and should ...

QDoubleSpinBox not giving correct result
Hi, I have completed a temperature conversion C++ program. It gave me the correct converted amounts ...

0.00 output to calculate %
I need to create a class that will display a list of modules in an array. In the array must be modul...

updateAccount() member function has no output
Okay, I deleted the other variables and added myAccount. I am still not able to get an output for th...