User: Otisons

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User profile: Otisons

User info
User name:Otisons
Name:Otis Anderson, Sr
Location:Atlanta, GA
Bio:Otis has 28 years of experience in education and writing. He has a doctorate in curriculum and instruction, with certifications in elementary education, all-level reading instruction, and administrative supervision.

His academic experience includes serving as director of an elementary education program at the university level, where students were trained and certified to teach at grades 1-8. As part of this program, he created a Reading Camp on campus where education students were given hands-on experience in diagnostic and corrective reading instruction when working with reading disabled readers from surrounding school districts. He developed the Irlen Informal Assessment for Nonreaders which is used worldwide in testing nonreaders for Scotopic Sensitivity Syndrome, a visual processing disorder frequently evident in the reading disabled population. He served on Governor Bush’s Texas Regional Reading Initiative Committee, was an editorial reviewer for both the Reading Teacher and the Florida Reading Quarterly, was employed by the Region IV Education Service as a reading consultant for 54 school districts, and has been a classroom teacher at both the elementary and secondary levels.

As a classroom teacher, Otis received teaching recognition in the form of reading, science and language school district grants for new teaching strategies, and an outstanding educator award. At the university level, he received a professionalism and scholarship faculty award, award for children’s literature, and was the recipient of a faculty research grant to travel to Australia and spend time observing the remedial reading clinic at the University of Sydney.

In addition to academic publications, Otis enjoys writing nature articles and has also published poems and stories for children.

Academic publications include articles in the Journal of Reading, the Florida Reading Quarterly, P.T.A. Today, the Michigan Reading Journal, the Tennessee Reading Teacher, the Reading Clinic, Scholastic, the Ohio Council for Elementary School Science, Single Parent Magazine, the Iowa Reading Journal, and the Texas Science Teacher.

Special interest publications include pieces in Shining Star Magazine, Children’s Playmate Magazine, Lighthouse Magazine, Turtle Magazine, and Texas Parks and Wildlife. Books published are Book Report Big Top by Learning Works, Rhymes and Crafts by Rainbow Publishers, and The Science Connection (contributing author) by Silver, Burdett & Ginn.

On a personal note, Otis is also a hot glass artist and a poet, creating one-of-a-kind, fused, and dichroic glass angel pendants in his studio, and writing personalized animal poetry. Samples of his glasswork can be seen at Angel Art by Texas Woman.

As a writer, In addition to reading instruction and professional development articles ~ elementary school science and parent education are favorite writing topics. Otis believes teachers look for how-to articles that are packed full of ideas they can use in their classrooms immediately ~ strategies and techniques that will add that extra “spark” to help make learning in their classrooms both exciting and meaningful for children.
Joined:May 20, 2021 at 11:13am

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