User profile: Albatross

User info
User name:Albatross
Old user name:TheDaemoness
Location:Oregon, USA
Bio:Retired from the forums, though I still drop by from time to time.

I'm a long-time self-taught highly-jaded programming hobbyist.

If you need to get in touch with me, PMs on this forum will reach me. I can also usually be found lurking around Libera Chat.

Statistical data
Various FP Languages
And more that's not on this list.
Joined:Mar 3, 2009 at 1:31am
Number of posts:4553
Latest posts:

OOooo, Pretty!
I prefer the styling of the new version, though I did run into a bug when attempting to log in that ...

how i read file word by word
This is now an exercise to create the most optimized class for reading words from a file that you ca...

What happened to the IRC Channel?
[quote=George P][/quote] Very correct. Also, other versions...

What happened to the IRC Channel?
Nobody's really there at the moment aside from me and four other idlers. But yes, Libera also has we...

What happened to the IRC Channel?
A lot of the old regulars left for other platforms, and I imagine most who haven't been keeping up w...