The cringiest professor in history

My CS professor, who "teaches" algorithms, time complexities, and such, is mentally handicapped to say the least. This guy is a riot, living proof you can be retarded and graduate.

Where do I even begin with this guy?

All his assignments he made himself, which is painfully obvious by the amount of errors and stupid premises. Every PDF he gives that describes what the program should do is filled with anime references (I love anime, but this is too much. The cringest anime and the worst references). His lectures before they went online were useless wastes of time. He'll just show a bunch of useless shit and then tell you to code it. Now that they're online, they're long/drawn out versions of the same useless information.

Then magically, during the final two weeks or so, he springs our final project which is to code what seems to be the dumbest game in history. And to top it all of, we have to use an external library I never used before (lncurses). The skeleton code he gave us doesn't compile.

Before I continue, this guy has small-dick syndrome. The harder an assignment he makes, the more he gets off - as if it somehow makes him superior. He was VERY proud with this final project he made, so I assume he thinks it's very difficult (I haven't looked at it and don't plan to).

I don't wanna do his stupid project, so I turned in his skeleton untouched. He gives me a 0 as I expected, but then sends me a triggered email. It was so satisfying. I pass the class with or without the project. I have an A, without the project I have a C. My university is allowing for pass/fail grading, so it won't affect my GPA if I simply take the C and opt for pass/fail for this class.

The fact that I can get away with it with no consequence pisses him off. He spoke about me to the other students as soon as he saw I had just turned in the skeleton code. I satisfies me to no end. His code is atrocious garbage (this is the 3-star programmer), and you can just tell he's teaching because there's no way he'd make it as a programmer. He's the stereotypical anime watching fat programmer. His existence pisses me off, so it was nice to get under his skin.
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An old song said:
"I spent 4 years prostrate to the higher mind, got my papers and I was free"

Every school has at least one guy that teaches some required class and is the only one who does, and the prof hates the class he got stuck with or it is pulling him away from papers/projects/etc that pay double time (paid on top of professor pay), etc. Some of these guys have a lame class but a decent personality, some are jerks. Pass it and move on is fine. If the system is flawed enough that you can game it without any consequences, then have at it. Next semester he will make the project 50% of the grade :P. Maybe its a good rule of thumb to never take a class from a teacher that thinks cartoons are cool. My worst physics teacher made all the problems about cartoon characters.
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One gets the impression from reading these that you really hate going to college.
My worst physics teacher made all the problems about cartoon characters

Lol, there's a connection!

Also, he said he's thinking about making the project worth more. Would have to make it worth a lot more to actually hurt me, but I don't think he'd be able to get away with a last minute change like that.

One gets the impression from reading these that you really hate going to college

Has it's ups and downs. More downs than ups but with only two years left and the fact that I get paid to get the degree is a good deal either way.

Plus, there are some real gem professors, I've gotten a few of those :)
Every PDF he gives that describes what the program should do is filled with anime references
That's pretty cringe bro, ngl.
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The skeleton code he gave us doesn't compile.

a classier move would've been to turn it back, fixed so that it compiles
Any chance we can see some of these online lectures? I've got popcorn.... :)
I would have but Idk why it wasn't compiling. Had something to do with the lncurses library which I never touched.

I'd link the lectures, but you'd all get cancer and if he found this he'd know who I am !
Nurses is easy to use, but you need to make sure to install the development libraries using your package manager.
I already got ncurses and linked the library. But not gonna use it for this cringy assignment :/

While looking up lncurses for Windows, stumbled upon your old posts on ncurses Duthomhas!
if he found this he'd know who I am
He's already done that.
He's already done that

Wouldn't be surprised if it was you.
Be careful, you leave quite an extensive internet trail and a defamation action could be your worst career move.
defamation action could be your worst career move

More like a great start to my comedy career.

My internet trail can only lead you back to my alter ego.
Just going to say it, because it's been bugging me: Almost 100% sure "lncurses" isn't a thing. As you mentioned, though, there is "ncurses", and on GCC/clang you can link it with "-lncurses", which might be where the confusion stems from.
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