Visual Studio 2019 roadmap

Looks like there will be some interesting and nice changes to VS 2019 to get C++20 conformance (and C11) ahead of the official release of the standard.
I can confirm, as I've been using the updates for C++ exploration, though I admit I'm focusing that study on the Clang 9.0+ release (once configured, you can't really tell easily if you're using Clang or MSVC compilers, except that Clang is a tad ahead in C++ features as this target moves along).

Being a hobbyist who is still learning what C++11/14/17 has to offer C++20 is going to take some time for me to digest. When the standard is finalized.

I've tried a single example how to use modules using the C++ libraries, but have been unable to create my own custom module with MSVC 2019.
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